Toolkits and Other Tools
Are you the type of person that is motivated by a schedule? Check out Justice In June which lays out activities for becoming a better ally each day.
97 Things White People Can do For Racial Justice
Activities you can do to create a more just world
Save the Tears: White Woman's Guide
Books, actions, questions to ask yourself, and more
Showing Up for Racial Justice's Educational Toolkits
Think critically about Racism, Whiteness & Class
Changing How Race is Portrayed in Medical Education
State and Local Efforts to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis
Changing How Race is Portrayed in Medical Education
Recommendations from Medical Students
Who to follow, kids reads, events, and more
Rachel Ricketts' Anti Racism Resources
Workshops, buy BIPOC, and more
Teaching People's History, find lessons by grade level, theme, and more
Free library that fills you in on history you should know
Transforming the police System
Helps families and individuals learn to talk about race
Medical education tools to create equal, unbiased health outcomes
Started by President Obama, this initiative works to break down barriers and expand opportunities for boys and young men of color.
Institute for Healing and Justice in Medicine
Working towards the abolition of biological race in medicine and public health
Why is this happening? An introduction to police brutality
100-year Hoodie breaks down the history of police with videos, stories, and lessons