WHPCA in Action
Our 2020 Accomplishments!
We Testified
Our health professionals presented testimony on:
EPA Ozone Standards
EPA Particulate Matter Standards
Enbridge Line 5
Governor's Task Force on Climate Change
We Met With Our
In one-on-one virtual meetings
We Registered Voters & Did Voter Outreach
Sharing WHPCA VOTES graphics
Collaborating with Vot-ER
Peer-to-Peer Texting
A registration challenge
Creating 4 'Health Voices' videos
Co-hosting a candidate forum
We Created Resources
Outreach To Candidates: A Guide
Protecting Health: A Climate Policy
Climate and Health Questions for Candidates
We messaged over
Advocacy Highlights:
Our team has accomplished press-hits in newspapers, podcasts, and magazines around Wisconsin
Published op-eds or letters to the editor
Articles solely about our projects
Featuring climate & health quotes from our members
Members of our team have written and helped pass three climate resolutions by health professional societies in our state and two on the national level – notably:
The Wisconsin Medical Society (>10,000 members), authored by Joel Charles
The Wisconsin Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics (>900 members), authored by Andrew Lewandowski
The American College of Emergency Physicians - Wisconsin Chapter (WACEP, >500 members), co-authored by Caitlin Rublee
The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (>6,000 members), co-authored by Caitlin Rublee
The National American College of Emergency Physicians (>38,000 members), co-authored by Caitlin Rublee
Our members published
peer-reviewed papers on climate and health.
We won awards for our climate and health work individually and as a team​
WHPCA was chosen as a Dane County Climate Champion
of our members were Consortium on Climate & Health champions of the month
Claire Gervais received a Jeffery Patterson-Mary Doherty Award
We collaborated to write and release our Medical Alert: Climate Change is Harming Our Health in Wisconsin
​Our report release had registrants, attendees, and was in the news times.
Almost immediately, Montana health professionals contacted us for advice on replicating a similar webinar event for the release of their report. Then, Washington state met with us for permission to utilize portions of our text verbatim and for guidance in crafting a report for their state.
South Oak Creek Coal Plant to Be Retired
WEC Energy Group announced plans to retire 1400 MW of coal and 400 MW of gas by 2025, starting with the South Oak Creek coal plant. WEC's plans include investments in 800 MW of solar, 600 MW of battery storage, and 100 MW of wind.
This announcement was the result of years of hard work led by the Clean Power Coalition of Southeast Wisconsin. WHPCA is proud to be a supporting member of such a powerful coalition fighting for clean water, air, and climate justice. This is a victory for health that will be felt by all of us, and for generations to come. Find out more about what this closure means for Wisconsin with this video press release or read more about it here.
We collaborated with RENEW and health groups to file a Letter of the Support to the PSC on this energy project. Our letter and the health argument for clean energy was then referenced by commissioners as part of their decision justification, and was mentioned in the press.
Paris Solar Project Approved
We Signed-On, Submitted Letters, &/or Formal Comments on Several Key Issues
Wisconsin Climate Table's letter advocating for clean and equitable transportation recommendations for the State Climate Task Force
Letter to Congress, Ensure the Right to Vote without Risking Health
Extend the WI Utility Shut-Off Moratorium
Rule-making Process for Coal Combustion Residuals
Letter of Support for Hodag Solar Project